Whats that mean?
o haider
I keep forgetting to add you );
ello ello?
Yah random.
Its a joke lol get over it!
?mark Question
Ask an admin i ask Shock Theta he changes most of the time just say plox or please ;)
O hai almost there im 81points!
Um this is his teacher and he has not turned his home work in...
Oh hai there so ur Timtars father you say?
Ohh sorry!I forget the rules!
\/ zomg \/
I can has a + rep from u?
I know ZOMG who has lots of power and will probally gives meh my + repburgerz?
yay i r guerilla grade 2 :)
So hows it going...SPARTAA!
HAHAHAH lol WTF nice video where did you find it?
an i haz + rep i r teh close to 100 rep points!!