Ur sig makes me lol!
Looks good!Im still making map.
U r teh welcomes good sir!New maps?
y cant we be friends on XBL?
i didnt make the video :P
o rly that sux i finally added yah and nao.....man that sux!
The map ima working on is so awesome !
hola miss toochie!
o i can haz add yah nao on XBL nao :):):):):):):):):)
nice job my child needs a tad more cover :) 4.8/5
:) ima still making meh map!
look at ura user CP then tells meh how much points yah have oh then look 4 my name :O
\/ H4X no one loves Scop more than meh \/
O haider meh best friend?EDIT:\/ i found it 1st :) \/
Worst rip off of purple bunker here>http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/31723-hoard-bunker.html
Yah i actually did this to a guy i fought O;
o rly wow you must be lucky mines fall trough :3
Did yah play the game thingy yah have to higlight or just press CNT+A then go to that post i siad "You can play this (guitar game thing)...
Do yah know how Blaze does it?
YouTube - FH Maps VI 00:47 woot woot mine is at 1:03 woot woot!