No pressure. I'm just toying with the Sketchbook Pro app for the iPad, so if you choose Anime, I have plenty of things to keep me occupied.
Yeah, 6. I tried to watch the most recent one, but I guess I'm not in the mood or something. Wanna play Generator Defense with me?
O hai thar. K-ON has a new episode, and I still love the show, though I find that the plot makes less and less sense now.
Played Generator Defense for the first time. Sprinted out the door. Get splattered by falling drop pod. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
Jetpack to Jetpack assassination 1. Knife/punch open the other guy's jetpack. 2. Kick him away from you. 3. Before he falls, you whip out a...
Yeah, it was your e-mail.
If they have an SPI armor variant, it will be awesome. Screw it if I become a sniper magnet, Ghosts of Onyx is one of the better books I've read...
Sadfaic. I have to write an English essay and a History presentation due tomorrow. Wish me luck.
They're pretty awesome. I was sort of surprised by a few things: 1. I need to watch more Anime, since I hardly recognized anybodies' characters....
Hey, Matt, do you think you could, oh, I don't know... send me some of the pics you took? If you need my e-mail, I'd be glad to send it to you in...
Hmm... I listen to everything just so long as it's before the 90's, though I can't really stand the Beatles, Rolling Stones, or the Who. Don't ask...
Bah, rap. It puts the rap in crap. I know, that was terrible, bear with me, I can barely feel my legs after fencing. What kind of music do you...
Matt, kids at my school are completely socially deprived and fall into nearly every stereotype imaginable. It's awful, really.
Mkay. 3:45-4:00ish will do for me, since I'll probably be home around 3:30-ish. I get out at 1:00 on Fridays, but I have to do some things after...
Mkay, so... Time change? Oh, and I thought of a few more tags: MIO YUI KYON SOS
I'm loving the new power weapons. The Grenade Launcher is actually really hard to use, at least, I think so. It's always satisfying to deliver a...
I'd wonder how some sort of Sprinting game would work. It would be more like track, maybe the players would have to pass through territories to...