Guess what? 25 minute bumperoo.
Photobucket's also good for me, Agamer.
Wednesday, Sarge.
No Flash = no porn, silly.
The weirdest thing keeps happening. I try to access the Internet with my iPad, but the first time I turn it on out of sleep mode, it says my Wifi...
Regretting getting an iPhone. AT&T's signal sucks in my house, whereas with my old Verizon phone I got a signal in my ****ing basement. MY...
Oh... sneaky little bastard.
I'm sorry, but ref code? What's ref code?
O hai thar, Welcome back, although I probably wasn't here to see you leave(I'm still a noob). I do believe that before I got here, there were some...
O hai thar.
...and while you all are having fun, I'm stuck inside doing homework on this nice day. D:
Yeah, same. Homework... bah.
Hiya. Will you be on later?
Why did you slip a two in there?
Android vs iPhone OS?
Hmm... I wonder what my iPad would be like with Flash...
I view, therefore I post.
Weird, that also happened to me in the same game in which the pod fell on me.
Yeah, I've noticed that too. It has the same kind of lag as it does in Firefight. Nothing too gameplay affecting, but it causes some control...
Yeah, I do. We usually go around like 6:30. But yeah, I'll be on over the weekend. Generator Defense will keep me quite busy.