So, I've got an iPad and an iPhone 3GS, and I'm thinking about jailbreaking either one of them or both of them. Jailbreaking, for those of you who...
That's nice. My cat died. He was far too young. RIP Cody.
Nope. I like the colors. The folds and shading too. Just the proportions.
Aw, you're welcome, even though this response might be a tad late.
Yeah. Proportions are out of whack, like she has a huge chin and tiny ears, but if everything was in proportion, then it would look pretty awesome.
Haaaaaappy birthday! :D
Lol, round-a-bound.
Bad ass.
52 minute bump!
Hiya, welcome to the Hub! Be sure to have fun here, and as everyone has said, read the rules, since those are quite important around these parts....
This, essentially. I wouldn't change much in terms of layout, as it looks good as it is, but I feel as though you either need to remove the top...
I just woke up from my 4 hour nap. Yay.
Neither. Simply... interesting.
AS DO I! noncaps.
O hai thar G Gold! You seem... Familiar, lol.
Sadly, I have to agree with you. I have to do a project, and my partner insisted that he take the easy portion, leaving me with the hard stuff....
Technology is too tempting... Maybe I should become a Buddhist monk.
Well, a few things. 1. Psyched about driving the Falcon in the final game. 2. I found that the Ghost made me nearly invincible while I was...