I really like the look of this remake. It stands above par to the other remakes I've seen previewed or posted, and I hope to see this map in...
preddy much
Fair enough, but it doesn't make Camo any less fake.
And you're not domiboy.
Is it bad that I'm a total tobuscus hipster?
Your text blows. 3rd is best. Also, wtf is that, blending? karma's a *****, aint it?
Sup. Rong tiem crumbing.
Actually, we are leaving Iraq because of the agreement meted out by Bush and the Iraq people a while ago. All troops out by 2012.
arrestted devloperment r gun come back for 10 eps n a movej
SV. haven't unlocked the m4 yet.
I'm rocking the bolt action x12 with bipod and laser sight. ****s **** up
LOL. besides the obvious glitches, this was really refreshing. Once I got to know the map and got some mechanics of the game down, It was...
grif. dis weekend, got some new tools, fam will be out of town. megusta. (sorry bout the lack of action)
Mace = 50 (+1) Theorem = 14 CaMOfo = 13 Chuck = 13 Tusk = 14 Benji = 10 QKT = 9 Poolio = 3 RST = 8 (-2) Orange = 8 Stouf = 12 Mace = 50 (+1)...
Mace = 100 (-50) Theorem = 14 CaMOfo = 13 Chuck = 13 Tusk = 14 Benji = 10 QKT = 9 Poolio = 3 RST = 8 Orange = 8 Stouf = 12 Mace = 0 (+50) Shuman...
Vampire diaries or tru blood?