I really enjoy the settings we have for our 2v2 tournament, I don't know if you've gotten to try it out yet, but I really suggest you give it a...
"but I get that everything's already been announced so I understand not wanting to go back and change specifics of the gametype." Exactly. You...
Lol, yeah, one of my more awkward typos. 525 without dedicating time to lifting would just be freak-ish.
Hey there, I'm not going to make you fill out an application, I'd just prefer to use your mock-feature you sent me a while ago.. if that's okay...
Lol, I'll see what I can do for you guys. EDIT: Oh, ****, no, 425. Not 525. Totally my mistake.
Damage boost is ridiculously over powered when all players start with a 4sk BR, Speed Boost is aggravating when dealing with smaller maps,...
I highly doubt I could win lifting tournaments, I have a few friends that weight lift for sports teams more than I do, and one friend that...
160 pounds. 250 pound bench. 525 pound squat. I run three miles every other day. I can help in this thread, too :D
ThisdistricthasbeencutofffromthesurroundingcityandisnowaUNSCur-banwarfaretrainingground. Toff? Cur? Ban?
Sure thing, I'll PM it to you.
It says pm for a reason
Applicable as in useful in your writing for the site. I don't mind you bending the application format a bit or adding a bit extra, especially...
Haha, sometimes when I reword sentences I forget to go back and change my tenses if I'm in a hurry. Thank you for politely letting me know over VM!
You can include it if you feel it's applicable :)
Nope! We do, however, really expect you to stick to your monthly article schedule, even if you're only posting one "thread" a month.