Yes, they have.
No, sorry man.
I love you.
I saw it.
HI tz.
Hopefully it should be fixed now?
What specific Sub-forums can't you post in?
Would you like your original account back, or would you rather keep this one? Because I can easily dig up your old password if you've lost it....
Why are you white? what
[IMG] Panic Station By | Psychoduck Players | 12 - 16 Gametypes | Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Extraction Panic Station is a...
Sorry man, animated signatures aren't allowed because they're so distracting =\
Animated sigs are a no no
We should chat. Add me on Skype. David.Houston.W
Agreed. Or else there's literally no reason to spend more money, unless you just enjoy having a different case.
We're having quite a bit of trouble with this stuff :P
It seems that there's a rather large chance that drop-spawned weapons despawn at thirteen seconds, if nobody is near them. If someone is standing...
Yeah, Nutduster brought that to my attention a few hours ago. I'm going to test and see if the bug is really there. If it is, people will...
lol guys.