If you read closely, I'm actually correct.
55,400th reply
I meant that your dad wants to rail her.
Come on! Just help me get a few achievements.
Why do you think your dad hired her?
So I downloaded Crackdown for free. Anyone want to play with me?
What kind of sad piece of shít do you have to be to spend more than a few dollars on a runescape account?
Wonder Bread is by far the most light hearted bread available.
Are there any charge stations in Australia?
GTAV is just as "light hearted" as San Andreas.
You seriously stole pokemon cards?
It's pretty much just panda
I thought it was going to be a gun.
I swam into your mother's mouth.
I didn't say I was proud of it.
I enjoyed Grown Ups 2 way more than I should have.
Except WEEDS has cussing and bare **** and Breaking Bad doesn't. Fun fact: Both shows involve dissolving dead bodies.
Inverted commas vs quotation marks.