thought he was referring to the pathing. I haven't seen it though.
It doesn't have to be Forerunner but nothing wrong with there being different styles. There are a dozen ways to do Forerunner architecture based...
Just wanted to give @Sethiroth a shoutout for helping out with Genesis earlier today. Had a lot of good feedback from APK, GodlyPerfection,...
if either of you guys want to hop on the map in a few hours i'm game. i'll be on
Wish it was the old man cannon from Reach. The other ones are too dinky. I'll mess with it though but I'm more worried about the ramp to the lift...
Another messy scratch canvas for some of the new things i'm trying on Genesis. 3 Legged Goat/video/13533520 So yea...
Actually delayed my classes from fall to winter so I could Forge. Guess how salty I was when 343 said Forge wasn't launching with the game.
[IMG] current design is based off of the sketch on the right. the left is when i tried inverse sym but i didn't like what it did to the middle....
I don't know how to break out of the design i've been using. I don't want to do inverse sym or asym, but sym with bases directly across from each...
back to drawing board. redoing my scratch canvas.
my process is > concept art. i'll sketch up an idea for an interesting gameplay feature or piece of geometry that looks cool. > concept forge....
Geometry is impressive. You nailed the classic Forerunner theme well. I also like how the fog effect only really shows up in the deathpit. I'll...
this is the part when i think of something better and end up redoing half of the map, only to scrap it a day later and end up back to square one.
plasma caster makes a great wall decoration
that overlap though [IMG]
i've reached a point where i would rather look at my map than do the tedious job of finishing it. it's too hard to build lol
wanted to make it cloudy like Haven but the fog obscures the lines of sight too much. i put it on Parallax but nothing produced the effect i...
nevermind i think i figured out what i'm going to do