Also, we need better rocks like the Rock 2s from Forge Island. Hell, H2A had some good flat rocks to use as well. We have dozens of them now but...
To elaborate a bit, i went back to the drawing board on Genesis in part because it got to a point where "running around the map for hours...
here's the way i see it height variation/verticality: literally what it says - how much variation in the Z axis the map has. vertical gameplay:...
I understand what @The Fated Fire is saying about heroism. After playing Destiny, I found the old Halo games boring due in large part to their...
only reason i don't share critical feedback is because i don't think i have any credibility. anytime i post, i expect half the responses to be...
@Xandrith liked the old bastille better. i can see how it being smaller might improve the flow, but the old one felt better to me. new pathing...
yea restarted it to line up the middle... but it's taken twice as long to remake my scratch canvas which felt perfect aside from things being...
That group feature though [IMG]
Couple questions: -What issues arose that prompted you to reforge it? -Is the theme you're incorporating changing any of the geometry that...
Really unique design you've got going on here. Piece usage is spot on as well. A couple things: 1. I would replace all of the stairs with smooth...
i would color the whole map cyan and make one half rockier and darker and the other half snowier and lighter by way of shadows. because if you use...
you're right but it's amber, not red. also inverse symmetric so there isn't necessarily a middle to color.
Landmarks and slight geometric cues are a given, but still need to figure out the color scheme. Like how all the lights on Citadel are blue but...
Yekkou's map is probably the most creative map I've ever seen in Forge. Could be an amazing infection map, but i'm not sure about playing it...
you'd have to mess around with it for sure. i'd avoid green though just so you don't end up with an RGB funhouse map. think you kinda dug...
checked out Zircon. Couple thoughts + Geometry is wicked cool. It's not just a bunch of trapezoids - the angular theme is present throughout and...
floors. first thing i would do is add dark detail to the ramps. we've already seen some castle themes and even a metroid map so it wont be...
[IMG] I was reluctant to embrace them at first because it felt like cheating, but they honestly feel amazing on the Forerunner stuff. It's good to...
Assuming a meteor doesn't hit my house this week, I'll probably have it playable once I'm comfortable with the pathing. I'll clean it up and put...