@purely fat "passive aggressive" threads are a good way to let off steam and maybe learn some things along the way. @MultiLockOn I realized a...
If I didn't take Forge seriously, I'd be playing Destiny instead. Reach is the last Halo I liked playing "just to play" with its massive...
Mirror symmetric maps tend to be dull slayer maps unless they play asymmetrically. Vertical Lifts are jank as ****, especially when you have to...
Yea I don't get it. The whole point of WAYWO is to post your ****, and it's never been exclusive to just Forge. The old thread on TeamBeyond had...
Honestly, if you aren't doing a blockout in this game, you're missing out. You can art your map up however the **** you like after you know how...
I know this is the unpopular opinion thread and all but "Don't plan. Don't ask for Feedback. Just keep Forging until you get good." [IMG]...
There was no hitscan in those games though.
@RPAL winning so far
This thread is too tame. Red and Blue coloring plastered all over a symmetric map has not and will never look good.
[IMG] I'll go first: The Breakout aesthetic is tacky as ****
This can either be something everyone treats as a hobby or it can be something nerdy with manuals, lectures and whiteboards full of theory and...
Nice write up. One thing I'd add is that you can sync up the intro cinematic to the tempo of all 3 opening jingles. If you're using five cameras,...
I disagree. "realism" is bad for predictable gameplay, especially if you're making an all natural map. Terrain used to be terrible for grenade...
think i'm able to replicate all of the object related bugs in Forge now. grouping and welding one is obvious, although which objects are affected...
ownership of the content isn't the issue i was raising, although they're both related to the current implementation of file browsing.
I don't care if people don't like me or my maps. But I'm not going to be talked down to like I don't know how to Forge because I put down the...
I don't mind if my map says "Sweaty Goat Nuts" on it as long as it's mine.
yea 60 bucks is a lot for privacy but it's tempting. maybe if i find some 1 months lying around.
I still draw most of the time before I get on and Forge, but with groups and multi select now it makes designing in the game easier and faster....