Or it is something COMPLETELY different. You know, seeing as BS Angel has a devkit xbox, so it might be a beta of a new launcher? And frankly, we...
It's an option. From what I can see no big youtubers are looking to do it, as it would tick off their fans, and smaller youtubers know that it...
I like the concept, I just can't help but feel like you didn't do anything of particular interest. Take the ninja duck thingy series from reach,...
Grats shoe and mock! Really do love a nice freeze on the moon from time to time. Anyway, if it wouldn't be a bother, feel free to put up the...
Very nice. Shame you didn't/couldn't get the arch at the top of the map.
So basically, if it goes through, they send a letter to microsoft HQ, which just gets ignored amongst the millions of other letters? Yeh, it's a...
I just noticed that the main building appears to have been stolen, for all intents and purposes?
what was the octagon gametype? Plus, if 343 were really fussed about modding they would take the changes made and then officially release them....
I still don't believe it in the slightest. The "journalism" for this involves "OMG HE WUZ SAEWUDHOOOOOO WORKING ON NEXTBOX DURRRP" and did you see...
Do I win now? [IMG]
A big freeze is amongst us [media]
More specifically? Vegas Pro, platinum, etc. Sorry to be nosy, i'm always interested in what people use.
or GIMP or Paint.NET
whatever is cheapest.
I'd recommend slightly altering the rock pieces at least in the corner and turning them on the diagonal or using the natural rocks there.
You had me. Good troll sir. A polite round of applause.
Sweet! Not going to take it as confirmation, don't want to jinx it. I just hope they use the elephants and let us remake space station. If so...
Apologies if that is the impression you got, but in the long run it'll help you. Trust me.
I started out by asking people. Most people will graciously accept an offer for a map video. There are very few established content creators and...