OS is a personal choice. The vast majority of people will want a copy of windows. If you don't want it (which you will already know or not) take...
Please read the quotes. Not even 50% of games support linux/unix. Vegas, Premiere, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, (I don't think 4D) don't...
Glad to know I helped you, and best of luck! Also, if he works in a tech shop, see if he has it in stock and will give you a discount ;)
Your power supply will be fine I reckon. But if you do upgrade, make sure you get a good quality brand, 80+ bronze minimum.
Single-Card Results: Battlefield 3 - The GeForce GTX 770 Review: Calling In A Hit On Radeon HD 7970? That's the difference between a 770 and 780....
What is your motherboard? That will come up in dxdiag. As for NVidia options, you will see a big performance increase if you go with one of their...
First thing i'd do is the following; Select your parts on pcpartpicker Don't spend money just because you have it. As a few pieces of advice;...
Is it a prebuilt, and do you know your power supply rating or motherboard name? I would recommend using Speccy, I think it is called. Honestly,...
Keith David as... The Arbiter Keith David That, is light hearted :D
As much as I don't like or want to see people pulling comparisons between this and Saints Row, the play between the two games this time has been...
Tier, Villa, Temper. WOW. Looks lovely dude. All easily MM worthy.
Halo 3 forge objects had vertices that pertruded out. Reach/4 don't really have any. Foundry also had a crate you could trap people with.
Its not ****hub bro.
Whilst I am really for a "the hub" kind of thing, the name itself sounds... cheezy? Sort of like the term "Metro UI," it just sounds really...
Never played runescape. Didn't know there was a second one. Care to explain what happened? Quoting wikipedia doesn't count!
DAFUQ Really is a new level of insecure, Daily-Mail esque lying and fearmongering level bull. Here is the "old fashioned," "difficult"...
It's also finished, if that is worth knowing. And if possible, could I be added to these discussions with War, given how we may potentially end up...
Yeh, i'd just have to re-render the videos and take out "TheHaloCouncil" :D And no problem for the heads up!
I'd also advise speaking to Warholic at some point in the near future. He was responsible for organising forge feature trailers for the frontpage,...