Like Game of Thrones. Because it is easier to eat ice cream while watching TV than it is when reading a book.
I'm just going along the lines of "Oh there will be a while before games like TES VI, and I don't want to buy Skyrim again for PC, but I'd have to...
I'm actually unsure if I'm going to end up getting the X1 if they don't change their minds on backwards compatibility issue. I would just hope my...
Lol no He's undoubtedly straight, I don't think I've ever even heard him make a gay joke
No, male cheerleader roommate (the weightlifting kind that chooses to lift ladies instead of dumbbells every now and then) hopefully pulling the...
The moment when I realize that one of my roommates next year is a cheerleader and that could draw other cheerleaders to my apartment...
Its delicious but overpriced, might as well shred it yourself for that markup
Barbecue seeds are crack
I'm flying to Hawaii in a starched uniform...
Get psychologically hooked onto something not chemically addictive like sugarfree gum for starters, then work your way down.
The rest of the site still exists? Huh. My ForgeHub bookmark goes straight to my subscribed threads page, so that I can check for PPC activity.
I'm laughing at the hype. Now people are ranting about it everywhere, and publicity is publicity. They'll clear some things up at E3 and by...
Ewwww Sarge visits 9gag
I was like that in high school. Then engineering happened.
Actually this is a guy who is a straight up Maryland skater lax bro who regularly uses words like gnarly and what not yet is ridiculous at...
A friend of mine just stated that he is going to try the cinnamon challenge once a day for the duration of the summer so as to build up a tolerance
Embarrassing or incriminating? You should probably keep a better handle on that for job hunting purposes.
Just finished the first season of supernatural. all I have to say is WHAT THE **** JUST HAPPENED
Nobody knows what it means, but it is provocative. It gets people going!