Of things I wish I could repeat, prom is on my list. Not because I had an exceptionally fun time, but because hindsight shows me so many...
Do ren faires have any old inn themed restaurants? Watching a **** ton of Game of Thrones has made me crave sitting in a loud inn digging into...
Tapdancing Raptor Jesus will someone please get it right Harry Potter (1, 4, and 7) features Dragons. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim features...
The per meal plans are ripoffs but we've got plans where you can get $275 or $495 a semester of tax free funds only for food, I had the $275 one.
Oh see I go through $200 a month on food alone, and that's buying cheap stuff
Start with a budget, say $500 a month (that's food, gas, and other, excluding housing/rent and coach-rate airfare to and from home) and see if...
Well I've driven a $2,000,000,000.00 vehicle.
Bought a bugatti and joined up with the decepticons
Try not to suck any **** on your way to the parking lot
You can, just quit taking everything you're offered
But you still have me and grif sitting at the bus stop waiting for a bus. A bus that will take us far away. We know where we hope this bus will...
To defeat the huns
Well I could argue that I am the leading expert on this site regarding Grif's mom beside Grif himself based on facts including but not limited to...
Glass: Pros: Cleaner Cons: Weight Breakable Destructive? Heat conducting Plastic (Nalgene): Pros: Light Nearly indestructible (except that...
Actually since the website (finding the address) said call ahead for a party of 10 or more, I asked the guy who answered the phone. But if she...
I'm not good with names, but the receipt says Amand. Nice attractive Hispanic woman. She cracked a few jokes that we (my friends and I) will be...
I call that a slow saturday.
FINALLY I get a group together on a good night to go get mexican food and TUSK IS OFF TONIGHT. DAMNIT FORD!