They are 2x2 Flats sunk into the grass. I spent around half an hour finding a spot that was flat enough and getting them at the same height...
Great remake of a great map. Transitioned really well into Halo. Not much else to say. :p Good job.
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Ebalere [IMG] Ebalere is a fairly large 2v2 map that I designed around the idea of a giant building with a natural, outside area connecting...
;) lol
Glad someone finally decided to make this. I thought about asking once, but I never got around to it. Could we get some comparison shots to see...
Happppy birthdayy! :D
Boats are the way to go.
HEY GUYS [img] Now on a serious note.. Eightball, you should try to specifically make multi-atrium maps. You still get to build your atriums...
Top two are Porcelain and The Distance so far.
Tonedeff has slowly made his way up to my #2 behind Em now. He's battlin' for that number one spot.
I see absolutely nothing that reminds me of Ace's "style." I also see no 2x4 Walls with Platform Ys.
The Elder has spoken. I haven't ever gotten disco in a 1v1 either.
Definitely reminds me of the original. Obviously doesn't look as nice, but I guess it has to happen for framerate. Only thing that bothers me is...
Finished itttt!
My router and xbox are on the ground outside my second story window.
I... I dunno.
Sorry for leaving right away, I was just gonna show you the map then I had to go, but since you had a lobby already I just left..
Holy ****kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I jumped and my laptop fell on the floor.
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