Already heard it. I really like his, like, new flow. Contrary to the majority of people :p
I'm with Peg, Bumper Jumper is great except I wish A and X were switched. Only thing I've had a problem with (not button layout specific as far...
I had the same problem. But after my, like, 4th death I decided to try it on ground instead of taking the Banshee and it was much easier that...
Yeah, I've logged about 4 hours into the campaign and it's interesting. It's way different though. Chief isn't, like, the best anymore. I'm not...
You're taking time off too? I haven't been on in like 3 months. And judging by how shitty the new forge looks, I dunno if I'm going to make a full...
Xzampleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I feel weird saying this to you, but I miss you, man...
Haha, people who say it are usually kidding at least a little, but thanks I guess!
The bottom floor isn't a death pit of water. It's like a sandbar type thing. And no, no solid path to the health area. It's just a way of baiting...
@Spin No, Health is on a rock path. The idea was once you get up to the very highest point, you have to drop a little bit (so you can't get back...
Well I finally finished a design this week, so I kinda wanna get back into forging now. Here's a map with a bunch of weird ideas from a long time...
School, friends, Borderlands... It's an overwhelming year so far. :/ How are you doing?
Have you heard anything off of Haywire by Hopsin and Swizzz? It's preetttyyyyy friggginnn' good.
Good to hear. Wish I could. This is the first time I've ever felt overwhelmed with stuff to do. Sleep, Friends and School are taking precedence...
Hey. How's it goin'?
Might wanna fix that.
Finished the design, haven't had time to forge any more of it though
Altar Pendant
Well I can't be on then D:
I'll get on tonight if I don't have any homework.. D: And looks solid if you're talking about the one your sent me.
Definitely a fan. Definitely.