Saw your walk through of the final product in the shoutbox, looks like you finished it well! My only critique is that in some places you used a...
Are you doing it pseudo-symmetrically? Off of the area behind the curved walkway I see one exit going up and one going down
I've always wanted to do a symmetrical map with inverse height variation and I think that's what you were trying to achieve here. I don't see any...
@Xandrith not yet. I don't even remember putting the second one on my file share, heheh. I'll put it up later though if you want to take a look....
Today I have an asymmetric 1v1/2v2, a symmetric 4v4, and an asymmetric 4v4 to show you all! Let's get right to it. (I recommend watching the...
The "epic multiplayer experience" is probably what forge was originally supposed to be. Where each team has a builder. That's the only explanation...
MartianMallCop has a map and game type he tried to do this with (Tree Trimmers or something like that) and I don't think he was fully able to...
Your first sentence answers your second Edit: to make this post relevant, I have been forging a lot. Since my last map preview I finsihed a...
I'm not even slightly knowledgable about the area or the map so I apologize if this question is stupid, but is the area above the water forge-able...
Does the playable depth of the water go beyond 2 forge units at all?
^ or if you make the dock less of a defensible power position you can make it a risk vs reward for a power weapon. As it stands now it has a...
^^^ the angle thing would be amazing. If you could angle a block to be a 27 degree incline and then rotate it to be facing 45 degrees it would be...
I often have a problem of holding up and to the right with systems like these, and next thing I know in at 11,111.11 Edit: missed the [select]...
Destructible map: the most traveled paths slowly fall apart which forces players to the places they don't want to go. killer designing skillz there
...Systematic Lockdown. More of a teaser than a preview, but I promise to stick with this one :) It is a 1v1/2v2 so it is closer to my usual...
pretty sweet series.. It gives you aesthetics, design and fore fundamentals all in each episode. Sweet idea, keep em coming :)
Don't want to find and superbump any of your threads, but I looked at a few more of the maps in your share last night and you have a beautiful...
GT: Frantjc I will try to have a clear schedule that night.. Been too long since I was in a halo custom! :) Fair warning: may be worse than...
Although, like always, I am not as in love with the idea of hogs, I'd like to get some games on this sometime :) looks beautifully forged!
Duck and Chunk: Thanks for the input, I tried to even out the spawns but I'm afraid you might be right Duck. I guess we will see. Eightball:...