Fantastic Contraption: A fun online physics puzzle game I find this one oddly hilarious... I can't believe it worked.
They are separate images; it's actually four images side by side. Anyway, I'm glad you like it. :3
*Counters Avatar guys suggestion fueled by his obvious obsession with a cartoon with my own suggestion* they need to start watching digimon lol :P
Part of me just died inside... Who in their right mind thought exposing children to stuff like this would be a good idea? Our generation is going...
Hari, you agreeing with him completely contradicts your previous post. What Norlinsky meant by his comment is that this isn't a disscussion about...
Only loyal and up can. Sorry.
colored ranks must be earned, and most require for you to work. Like I'm a moderator; I moderate the forums, lock threads, give infraction, can...
Yeah, been a little busy. Anyway, how are you?
Oh yeah, I remember seeing a commercial about that now. I'll probably go and see it this weekend then. I didn't know you had to be a guerrilla to...
My day could easily be summed up with: Meh. Nothing really exciting; felt kinda slow. I was thinking about seeing Quarantine, but I guess I'll...
I'm doing well, thank you.
Ohai, how are you?
I don't play the Xbox that often, but when I do play I usually play Armored Core (4 or 'For Answer'), The orange box, Soul Calibur, and every once...
Possibly. However I find it hard to believe. I spent a large portion of my early childhood with my grandparents, who forced my brother and I to...
Absolutely not. Air, water, food, shelter, and clothing are essential to our lives. Religion is not. Yes, maybe you might go to <insert bad...
For me it's probably a tie between the poison headcrab (HL2) [IMG] And Pluto Crusher (Space invaders PS1... He annoys the **** out of me.)...
Yeah, I remember you... Didn't you die? I could have sworn someone killed you. :P
Technically yes, however I would say: "You're acting like a ****" if you really must say it. It's still a good idea not to, there is simply no...