I did other work other than mindlessly passing out infractions all day (like locking threads, and deleting posts), unfortunately the lack of me...
Zomg, he lives... Or he's a zombie who has learned to login to forgehub, or maybe... He's an impostor. I'm going to go with the latter.
There's the problem. You won't get much of a debate, a few people will post good comments, however the majority will be stuff similar to: or...
Seconded Why is it that only the major candidates are in this poll? Anyway, is this even a debate? if it is there already is a election debate.
Ohai, welcome to Forgehub.
It wasn't my choice.
Doesn't matter. Nitrous isn't one for caring about the people who work for him.
Nah, I'm pretty much done for the most part. been fun.
Because I don't sit around answering reported posts all day. I go out and lock threads, infract what I see, the like. However Nitrous decided...
It's one of my favorite movies. It's been showing almost everyday for the past week on FX.
Nou...? Wait...
Some website, I don't remember which. You can get them from a lot of places. Take your pick
I think they're rather cheap. I was actually thinking about doing that, but I'm not sure how I'll bring it to school without it getting...
I'll be your mild acquaintance, almost-friend person. Best friend status is very difficult to achieve, and more often then not involves brutal,...
Bought it a few years ago. Decided I'd dig it up seeing as Halloween, and November the fifth are coming up. :3
I have some stuff to do. I may not be able to help test your map, at least not until later on tonight.
I did a quest to get some renown, and then explored a bit (wandered). I came across this garden, it's in that city (can't think of the name, but...
Sure, Friday sounds good.