Ohai, how have you been?
RPGs aren't made to satisfy everyone; Some people love them, some don't. I prefer them over FPS games, however I still enjoy FPS games. That's...
Starfox 64 Starfox adventures Super smash bros + melee Super Mario 64 Halo 1-3 Rainbow six Vegas 1 + 2 Return to Castle wolfenstein Armored core...
No, but I was planning on heading there tomorrow. I unlocked the explorer perk, so I've been visiting random spots, and that's one of them that I...
I ran into it earlier today, I completely forgot about it until I started picking up the distress beacon. Cool stuff... Is the alien blaster the...
Indeed it does. "Thanks for listening children! This is Three Dog! Owwwww!" :P
Beat the main story line this weekend, after a week of playing-every-moment-I-could. Now I'm going back to explore, and to do all the quests I...
Fallout 3, It's amazing. Made by bethesda, it provides the length of Oblivion you'd expect, without the feeling of empty nothingness you find in...
Fallout 3 hands down. I've been playing it for the last week, and it's absolutely amazing. If you put Mass effect, oblivion, and Bioshock, along...
I doubt Grif will add them, seeing as he doesn't agree with them. It's a shame.
It's near impossible to go a game without hearing a homophobic comment.
I didn't realize there was only two candidates. (This is sarcasm for the purpose of questioning why there is only the the two major candidates. I...
I have it, but don't really play it.
No, the second.
He thinks way too high of himself.
I don't know. Even if they would I would want to take a long break before I go back.
Oh, no I didn't. :P Behind the curtain is annoyingness.
Bleh, It happened. No point on getting upset about it (already got over it, lol). I guess I'm just going to have to report the crap I seen now,...
Wasn't my choice.