still gonna burn down your house with a 55 gallon drum of PCP
does nemi still exist
to what
didnt mean to freak out BRO
holy **** BRO chill i was just joking BRO no need to be so mad im just playing BRO
grey as **** goddamn what a nerd ahahahahaah lets all point and laugh sargeant sarcasm more like sargeant ****face oh god...
goddamn why are there so many bronies on this site i forgot how everyone is 12 here
then do something *****
call bloo jay a *** he shoutbox banned me
Butt == Hurt
Forge Hub - BB Code List use it wiseley son
tell that ****ing peice of **** to meet me after class and if he doesnt come ill beat him tommorow twice as hard in the middle of the cafeteria
i get banned for that word out of all the **** come on dawg what the **** i thought this whole sarge homophobia **** was over
youre a *****
draw him as a pony
you typed 6 month not 6 points for the infraction