Great tut ive used this 4 a while now & thx sdrakulich
did u get my msg ????
Sdrakulich's 2nd sig casue i find that it really matches the catagory for the SOTW
mine: [IMG] its a very colorful pic
thanks but sry for not changin the title casue im really busy ill try cause its almost the weekends EDIT: i will make a new thread so the title...
ok here is my entry [IMG] sry about the text i did'nt want to put it on there cause this is my first entry
ok ill see cause i got school & its hard 4 me to do it on week days so well try
ok i'll try next time
here you go [IMG]
i have made a new sig entirely 4 myself
ok i resized it but the text i left it the way it is because im to lazy to find good fonts: [IMG] & actually this is my first big sig cause i...
ok i got bored waitin 4 requests so i made a new sig just for me in less than 10 mins! & also should i change my avatar? [IMG]
The renders are a bit too squashed but still good
Halostar317 because it is funny
okay so we wait for requests but i feel impatient not gettin a request & i got SHOTGUN the 2nd request
Terrax, shade & Icecikle's Sig workshop Terrax , Shade & Icecikle's Sig...
ok how do u do dat code thing in sig shops that show all the examples?
Thx but we are already workin on the shop