ok here is the link to my vid: Gloss effect in GIMP (its already in High quality cause the link is linked to the hight quality Version) & more...
ummm look 4 tuts made by lockdown he has a good 1
lol lots of practice cause i used to be really crap b4
here: [IMG] lol i aint much of a music guy so i did this thing oh yeah the fire isnt a render or stock its a brush 4 GIMP i just found it
lol that is soo funny
THIS IS A CUSTOMS SHOP SALE!! get THESE ranks for FREE!! MADE BY ME!! [IMG] [IMG] PS: its easier if you put these in your sig
ok welcome to FH & yeah thats preety much it cause i cant think of anything else
DAMN but lol anyways cause i saw a cracked V of C4D
is C4D free cause i forgot??
WHOA this map is like foundry evolved but beyond. man it has like all the stuff in foundry but its like u added on to foundry but no you made it...
terrav11: cause his 1 is dark but very simple & i like dragons
MY SOTW entry isn't what it's meant to be its meant to be this so moderators please put my entry in: [IMG]
i have to go with lock's cause whale's 1 is a bit too much sharpened so yeah my vote goes to lockdown
just look at lochdowns sig tut it could help you.... ALOT & u could be professional NOTE: i think the tut is in universal resources
u guys go have my render 4 free ok so dont feel guilty
yo dont take my render cause i put ALOT of work into that render but u can haz it just rub out the text
HEY DO U know if Rosario vampire is a single manga yet?
the images are quite squashed so i recommend you use renders but nice try for firsts
here is mine:[IMG] for the fire i didn't use smudging i used I Warp. it can be found in: Filters> Distorts> I Warp Original Stock image: [IMG]...