k but i use chaos & use blood thirster & WHOOP THE ORKS BUTT on dawn of war of course
Man i luv eldar & i had an Apocalypse army b4 in the real figures &my friend collected chaos & chaos are cool too & i have all the dawn of war...
I just made a character that can use The earth element: [IMG]
ok u do very good in free hand art i might want to help u lock
lol this theme is pretty cool cause its VERY unusual
Yeah Magnet thinks mine looks cool that means i might NOT have a chance of failing epicly
dude it looks awesome but u just have to work a bit more easier in Blurring. & next time add a little AWE in it u know what i mean like adding a...
hey dude i added u to my new contacts how about u add my new email: shade117pro@hotmail.com cause sum1 stole my old email, but there was nuthin...
i need someone who can use dreamweaver REALLY good. if you want to help post your email & ill add you to my MSN & we an get started
it looks cool but i have a very wierd feeling about me going to lose & did u see me gloss tutorial 4 gimp
ohhh man that means ill fail.... EPICLY
its a Samurai challenge
Guys is my 1 cool? cause i never ask about my SOTW entries
lol its in my siggy. tell me what u think & ill be postingthis on utube later on.
seriously if any1 views this thread PLS COMMENT!!
but good luck man hope u can handle this ok
lol i did mine: [IMG]
lol you 2 guys got funny sigs
yep it would & hope u get ur entry on time
the theme is really great but it isnt original in SOTW type cause we have to make it i a square but really i thought it would be cool if the...