dude y cant u just PM the request to sum1 cause u r killing other ppls threads (sorry) but next time try to PM the request (sorry for the VERYYYY...
& wats ur email?? cause i want to talk to u over MSN & pls reply in PM
DUDE THAT is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo EPIC i wish u all the luck i can give but man would this be a good as game cover
lol imaGine if 343 said when he was angry: "U KILLED MY PARENTS BUT U STILL OWE ME $20 SO COUGH UP THE GREEN PONIES!!" lol that was random but...
i know but im a noobie at pivot but i know a couple of good animators Very good animators (GREAT 4 INSPIRATION!! :) XD): Green Giant Game slave...
lol i have not heard anything about the pivot stick man animator here EVER so ill be the first: ohh yeah this should be a pivot CnC thread u know...
no offense but i think the 2nd 1 is the best cause the image isnt squashed & also u should work on the text cause it looks a bit pixalated
lol i think i can do wat ur asking but pls be a tiny bit more specific & probaly with an example
dude u should make a tiny manga series cause i think ur up to the challenge but it would be really hard & that was a suggestion but anyways nice...
can u well if u can. can u pls gimme the FH logo
hmm??? w0w is this 4 linubidix u r good at dis stuff i never knew that
i didnt make dis ok
nice werk now comment on maps
its a great music video & tell me what u think of it: Machinima.com - Viva La Vida HMV Sorry about the thingy cause im not very good at the...
u r very good with dat stuff
i made it while i was downloading stuff: halo bad company [IMG]
this map looks fun i might give it a try
NO ITS ACTUALLY REAL U CAN DO IT & ILL TELL U HOW: ok spawn 2 SMGs then spawn a sword then after that pick up the energy sword & then pick up an...
it looks cool but sry to say but there is sloppy interlocking in this map but ill download it & nice map anyways
this might come in handy for 1 of my best maps