it's been a while.
string, string, brass, string, string. how random...n one of the biggest ****ing brass instruments possible at that...
under a rock. it's nice n quiet there.
what u mean?
I love your profile picture.
Tecks on Uldum. but no xbl for me... dont have that much money....
it'll be a while. as of late, i haven't had much of any time to spend online... which has really sucked.
thanks man
You're lacking perspective in this. People don't ***** about kids playing Halo because they are "too young," people ***** about kids playing halo...
real quick - could i get a namechange back to Tex?
3 2 1 go!
must have had one round on xbl with you, and assumed u were across seas... that would have been a while ago, but i believe it may have happened.
Oh? Hop online real quick brosiph. And I aaaalways thought you were European for some ****in reason... Now I feel like an eejit.
niggy, i've been offline the past 2 or 3 day's for personal, irl reasons. Although, prior to that, I've been relatively active. I should be on...
Thanks for your idea on God in the debate section. Definitely needed some change, cause as you said. It just got ****ing flat out boring.
He asked for a cheap instrument... not a professional instrument... x5, a sitar? nigga, you crazy. why didn't i think of it sooner... a...