Livin life day by day. Tryin to take it and grab it by the balls instead of the horns, it doesn't like that.
Like for real real? or just nah i'm just ****in with ya tex, just want some jealousy to blossom from ya.
ah the glory days... how it drains a soul to dwell on them. bahaha i just realized this is the reason for the one infraction i still...
damn nemi, i forgot how much of a nerd u were. o/
O.o what brings u hither?
so ur gf is down for some 3 way action? or am i looking too far into ur pic/title?
Delta! hi
D= I think back in the day it had a problem with the song, so I was forced to change it. I am pretty sure I removed a lot of the videos where the...
u got bc2?
What is the mouth in your avatar saying? I'm seeing "I love you," but it probably has nothing to do with speaking, does it?
Due to a lack of interest from as many as I'd hoped, and a lack of desire to work on the video due to said lack of interest; it was indeed put...
I have an army, about 7,000 points of Space Marines. I haven't played though, in... years... I talked with a few friends just recently, and I...
so hey, i've got xbox live again. woop woop. now i just need mw2 and i'll be a happy camper. anyways, in the mean time, i've got halo 3, cod4, and...
this wasn't even really worth reviving... random ass
I love how when people get owned in this debate, they tend to just try and defuse it and save as much of their reputation as possible...
Your ignorance was amusing, now it's just irritating...
Come again? Did you say decriminalized for minors, and legalized for those over eighteen? Where's the logic in that?
Quoted for undeniable Truth. Anyways, i recognize that I should be thankful they made such a map that us forgers can splurge on, but regardless,...