Only the best for me please.
TED Blog | 10 ways the world could end: Stephen Petranek on Concepts aren't dead... Same realities since 2002, kinda funny... because not...
Self-absorption will be the death of humanity.
not because of your sig, because of how much you care about yourself.
Gotta be honest, you disappoint me as a moderator... With the "omg look how many people love me" sig...
Okay enough is enough, sorry if anyone is in the middle of a tl;dr... However, it's gone a biiit too far. Thank you all for participating. See... Very...
2012: The Halo Reach Version.
Don't know the quality of the map, or anything about it or what have you... But if this is good enough for a map montage, here's the perfect song....
It took you more then one minute? But seriously, I'm beginning to see a bit of dogmatism approach this thread... So this is your final warning....
No it's really just a zombie... errr same thing I guess.
Came here to welcome a new member into the community, and to warn that person of the many idiots that troll purposely and/or completely at their...
Mr. Corduroy... I do say it has been quite some time...
As if $10 wasn't enough... <3 Microsoft...
Your spoiler makes you look like an idiot.
If you're talking about a being then which nothing greater can be conceived (God), then wouldn't he have surely created himself? I mean there...
For all of you who keep bickering about being on-topic, the topic here is strictly to procure some discussion on these damn forums. Minus the...
Blew me away with how inconsiderate you are "transhuman." Hope karma comes around and throws a hourglass cutter you're way.
I was awaiting that one lol... Okay, so now that the easy stuff is out of the way, what is it that made so many of these philosophers and...