no way
You're such a pooper scooper...
Get off 4chub, I wanna forge.
Hey man, haven't been on in a while and I just noticed the debate forum's gone. Just curious as to what happened there?
I'm so cut
What happened to the debate forum? :(
it's been over a year since you posted on my wall ... Where do I begin with this site :|
It's so hard to make time ... It's funny at the start of the year that I thought I would continue to be active, but year 12 just takes over your life.
Slight delay ... Wait till the 12th of this month ...
I think he was talking about the buildings in the distance... here goes my imagination again, but hopefully this means that longshore might be...
Hey man
here I'll let you deal with it
I'm versing you this round in the 1v1 tournament... Reply to this message regarding your timezone and the best time you can play, or add me...
That is one positive thing for Heretic. In Halo 2 you could hold a total of 8 grenades and from what I remember, it was a spam fest. Now we can...
The first time I watched it I gagged.. More so towards the second squeeze and the one that looked like bloody cottage cheese.
Don't let the name fool you, it has nothing to do with Two Girls One Cup and is not related to porn in any way. If you can watch this video the...
I <3 Johnny Knox I'm going to have a look through ebay for drums
I'm not really a fan of the avatars being the characters... Kinda lame, just like the Wii... The set list has some good songs and some songs I...
oh hey man.. How are things?!?