The only sport I follow is American football. My favorite team is the Patriots. It would be a dream come true if the patriots won the super bowl...
This is extremely insightful to read, we should do this more often.
Is mayonnaise a sport?
This is just something I thought of from the pictures. I don't play halo 4, so I can't play it. Just keep in mind that its ok to use premade...
I suggest using less premade objects for their intended purpose as it severely limits your map. I know it seems odd, but things like bridges and...
I like this Idea.
Most of my inspiration comes from past halo maps and campaigns. I occasionally look up quake maps and such, but most of the time I don't leave the...
The maps spawning was absolutely broken. As far as I know that was the main problem people complained about, which isn't acceptable for a map in...
Any chance of a h5 strongholds version?
I am really looking forward to this come December. I think this could play strongholds exceptionally well, which is one game type where all the...
Movement prediction is more relevant than ever in this game mode, so I don't know that any of these styles are the way to go. I really think that...
I'll add you
I highly recommend this
I'll just reiterate what I posted in the developer map thread. I think the main two problems with almost every map :343: has ever released are...
Warholic with the fun facts
I think the main two problems with almost every map 343 has ever released are the sightlines and routes. Lets take Orion for example. The dmr...
So the damage number in arena is cool, but I want to know more about it. I want to know if overkill counts when calculating damage dealt. For...
Its gotta be chiron.
I did consider that, which is why I said people would probably start playing with the flag once they realized how much easier it is.