I voted for Jill Stein.
Already got my Brewniversity Card, and in 4 deep at the moment. Their food is alright. I haven't had much of a chance to really see the city yet....
No, just a small cut on my hand. I don't have to work tomorrow, so all is good.
Cute chick from work worried about me today. +1 Also I got 5 stitches today.
Vote Yes on Prop 12 which renames Avocados to sad apples.
Post 1 see Post 2: [IMG] ---- Yes, I did enjoy God Bless America.
Community Music Video. (Greendale Song: The Way it is by Pierce Hawthorne) - YouTube
**** yeah tomahawk.
I thought you bought a new Xbox Shuman? Also you where ranting about it saying, and I'm paraphrasing here, "I think I'm just going to sell it...
A great cover Andrew Bird - "If I Needed You" (Townes Van Zandt cover) - YouTube and the original, which is also just as great Townes Van Zandt...
My **** does have a lot of Aliases Alias is a show about a spy! - YouTube
Every single WHAT?! from Stone Cold Steve Austin - YouTube I have no idea what happened while I was at work today. But Congrats to Camo for...
[IMG] I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray
Romney plummets in the polls after its revealed he stole all his good cheer routines from an inner city school several hours away