No, he said that he deleted it from the Start menu, not from the computer. But, if that is the case... Vista Download XP Download Otherwise,...
I actually thing Heretic's will be found first. It's Midship almost pixel for pixel (notice "almost") and people know that map like the back of...
This is me as well. I've had it since the first day. Though, with it being, what, 50 bucks more than the regular, I wish it came with a bigger...
I was concerned because when I went to pre-order mine I didn't get anything. I was lead to believe you'd get something in the store, when you...
Ya. Ya know, because, Bungie TOTALLY made that statement. [/sarcasm] The statement was put out by Microsoft. But, yes, replace Bungie with...
I think he's referring to this article how District 9 was "born" from the cancellation of the Halo movie. Otherwise, there is no relation. How...
I know. Hence, "The only reason you can get away with saying it's an "expansion pack" is that it has Halo 3 taged onto the title and uses mostly...
The way I see it, it's Halo 3: ODST that just happens to also include all of the Halo 3 multiplayer maps. It's like getting Crackdown. You get...
You don't. Only a mod or admin can.
That's true. A beta would give away too much of the story. At least too much as far as I'm concerned.
What is seen can't be unseen. I don't think there is a good way to get a spoiler out of your head. Everything I've tried has never worked. It...
No. Its two months out. If they were gonna do it, it would have been in spring. Similar to Halo 3. They'd need time to digest the info...
The clip is on the right side when looking down the barrel. vvv SMG reloading. Not straight from Halo 2 or 3 but is essentially the same....
Wasn't Starraft not confirmed for 09 or any year? If Red Steel 2 is what 1 should have been, I'm a bit disappointed. Haven't played through...
I agree that there are way to many sigs. I don't agree that they aren't art. Let us PLEASE move on to something different. Everyone is either...
Holy ****. Dismembered, eating the brain, the devil made you do it? You have to be pretty ****ed up to do that to a 3 week old baby.
Twitter Post Generates Defamation Lawsuit - Before I get to the nut of this story, I just want to start by offering a little bit of...
I don't know if I want to take the time. It looks fine this way. Also, It was made in 3DS Max, as the title of the tread suggests.
I'm getting sick of all these sigs so I thought I'd break the manontany of all of them and provide a 3d render. [IMG] Basically, just a...
My plans. Wait in line till midnight to pick it up. Go home and play campaign. Play Firefight if I get frustrated at the campaign. Finish...