Where did you find those, Something?
I've been looking for those numbers as well. What is so important that they block it? It's gonna drive me crazy. It's nice incite into the guys...
That's all this "argument" is about. Does a thread like this "belong" in the Bungie forums? Maybe. I know responses like that do. Anyway, it...
They're still full of crap regardless. When I'm fighting against some one, I'm not thinking, "Why can I not kill this guy? Could it be that I...
I would create a new profile that would never go online or anything. Then, when it was out for real, delete it and play on my account.
They're full of crap. Bungie has stated many times that all armor permutations have the same hit boxes as the default armour. If they want to...
I think they mean "Halo 4" in the sense that it's the 4th Halo game to come out, if you include ODST with Halo 3. I wouldn't read much into it....
Nah. I was concerned with getting to class on time. I left pretty quickly. The random sig script on my web hosting service. Forgot where I...
That's my recolection as well but I'll add a bit, not sure if it's all accurate. It had to do with Cacheing and how the engine reads the data...
Ouch! That sucks, man. Incidentally, I left at 4. Just out of curiosity, did you see a bigger guy in a black polo exiting the truck and...
I don't know if it applies any more... If an adult is with you, they'll let you play. I saw several kids with their parents in AZ. You should...
Listen to the latest Bungie Podcast episode to get the scoop. Basically, its an engine limitation. They fixed it for ODST but they can't change...
My mom and I saw it when it was still in theaters. I did enjoy it, even the ending though I saw it coming. We still debate it. She thinks that...
The first thing I did was firefight in the ODST truck last weekend. When I actually get my copy, I'm gonna sit and wait for my Xbox to get back...
Guys, I've got a question. It is preventing me from sending it off. Have any of you done the Printing your own shipping lable? If so, did you...
For those who have sent one in, what do you send with it? Just the console? Console and power pack? What do I need to send? The site doesn't...
Oh, I've got my Wii, GBA, DS, PC (with Bioshock I've had for about a month now that I haven't touched) and 3 massive finals to do for next week....
If the file size is bigger than 1mb, it'll resize it. I've never had Photobucket resize an image that was below 1mb.
First, I don't have the money for a new one. Second, its the Halo Edition Xbox and I'd like to be able to get a new one.
Heh. I was wondering if someone would pick that up. My brother and I bought an Xbox. When I went off to college, two years ago, I got my own....