The saved data it refers to is just your checkpoint (what level your on, where you are in the level, what enemies are dead, ext). You can safely...
I want it but can't justify it. I've got a perfectly good Halo 3 Xbox 360 with no reason to need a replacement. If it were just the console with...
Since the last games were 5.1, I'd assume Reach would be 5.1. I'm not sure enough people have 7.1 to justify it. [Non Audio Engineer] That, and...
I have Legendary pre-ordered but I'm not sure if it's the one I'll actually get.
That remains to be seen. The only thing 343 has really done so far is the anime and, well, it's anime. It's very hit and miss for any given...
Yeah, I don't use a play and charge kit at all. It isn't that but I can't speak to how similar that issue is to mine. I guess it's just...
Well, after some more issues, I've discovered that it only happens when I'm playing around in Netflix. Can't find anything about it but since it...
Not that we expect anything else but this issue I've never heard/seen of. When I go to turn off my Xbox, the power light goes off but it shows...
I wonder if they fixed the RRoD and other hardware issues with this one. Anyone hear anything about it? I would hope they did but it is...
The "instantly" was for the "cool down" not the healing. Instantly healing would just be completely ridiculous. :)
At the risk of being called out again (so sue me, I didn't know), it sounds like a Firefight only ability. Haven't seen anything about it in...
Wasn't trying to be. It just sounds so ridiculous when you just hear about it. An ability that shields and heals that instantly recharges just...
Though I won't deny that Reach is your typical Halo game I would dispute it being "unbearably similar" to Halo 3. It's similar in the sense that...
I haven't heard much of this. Is there a date for it?
Its just a re-design from the Beta. Unless I managed to miss something huge in my E3 watches and other general Reach obsessiveness, what Rifte...
Can't decide between Reach, Gears 3 and Zelda. Reach because it's Halo, Gears 3 because it finished the story and Zelda because it's Zelda and...
Don't expect the beta to open up for at least 4 more hours, 8 hours at the most(I'm guessing).
I've grown sick of seeing two or three people per game wearing it. I never really liked the armor but had a huge amount of respect for those who...
Actually the Activision/Blizzard deal is more similar to the Microsoft/Bungie or Activision/Infinity Ward thing.. They are technically the same...
It's just a publishing agreement people. Calm down.