They did a whole work up on this before the beta. raw_rating = kills + assists - deaths/3 - betrayals Then plug raw_rating into: rating =...
Sprint or Evade. Sprint for Spartans, Evade for Elites. I prefer to get places faster than having some defensive ability.
Don't have school or work or any other distractions. Heading out at 10pm and playing Reach until I fall asleep.
That just makes it boring. If it comes to it, in several months, I'll do it but I want to try to get them while enjoying the game "as intended."
MJOLNIR Mk VI Have Halo PC, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Marathon: Durandal, played in the Beta, am gonna own Halo Reach, and have my account...
This seems to be out of no-where. I don't see why they need to increase it. I just hope they give us either better quality on what we have (like...
Or, the boring way; load the cleared map they're putting on the disk. Personally, HIH style sound the most fun.
Guess I misread what you said with regards to age, or just took it the wrong way. As for them adding being taken out, it's been a while since...
We'll, they're canon until Bungie makes a new game at least. Besides, the authors of the books worked very closely with Bungie in regards to...
If video games were around during WW1 and WW2 they'd have the same issue. Pretty much, Pegasi's first paragraph says it all. Really, all this...
I'm for the quit ban. You ruin the game for others, you're game should be equally ruined. If I ever get a ban, I'll just Forge or (more than...
It makes sense that they won't have an MLG playlist in Matchmaking at launch. MLG has to come out with their gametypes and maps before Bungie can...
Two thoughts I wanna add to the conversation. One, what does how people act in a playlist say about the Playlist itself? All this says is that...
Heroic. It's just difficult enough to give me a challenge but easy enough to get the story without being distracted by difficulty. It's been my...
Where was it said the Legendary flame is red and not actually blue?
"besides Recon?" That's assuming EVERYONE likes Recon. I don't really like it. The only piece I really like is the Chest piece. I use Default.
As Crippled eluded to, Halo 2 and all related items (updates/maps) are no longer supported on Xbox Live. The only way to get them is if you have...
Standard: * Game Disk * Manual Limited: * Game Disk * Manual * Game disc housed in recovered ONI ”black box” * An...
If it weren't for the fact that the Behind the Scenes stuff was ONLY in Legendary (thought it came in both) I'd get Limited but I'm in it for...
Only if a topic of the link really interests/confuses me will I click them. Otherwise, I look at sigs if I haven't seen them before, or, if I...