Yeah that is strange
I miss the old ppc. I don't miss being called Na'vi ****. Wait, god ****ing dammit
Thanks @oVR. In regards to what someone asked about where all my old posts were... They were everywhere. From here to long forgotten staff forums.
Hey out of a general interest, what the hell happened to all my posts?
Wait the site is back?
Goof troop
Oh.... that's not good. I assume you have insurance?
Sounds like it was her fault. Did you call the cops to take a report?
Probably three measures of Gordon's Gin, one measure of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet (or Cocchi Americano)... shaken up and served with a...
HOLY **** please comment on my awful blog for school. Enterprise Activa
That's pretty neat.
I am frustrated that the US government is shutdown over a stupid law.
I think you mean management.
I am frustrated that there is a stock image of my mom, sister and dad on Getty Images except for it isn't my mom despite what Getty says.
I am frustrated at how inactive this forum has become.
I cannot stand this "8" nonsense. Why don't you go hand yourself with your H&M scarf? (Not advocating suicide, I just remember someone having...