@ahauntedarmy Good question lol. I never would have gone that deep. Gonna build a robot or something? Lol
Your digging too deep, making it way too complicated. I'm going to lay down the secrets right here once and for all so get ready. Buckle your...
Holy hell! That's some fast movement mane!
Oh, I see. I live in Odessa Texas so I was like "hmm, interesting".
I'm curious how you came up with that name?
I was just kidding dude, don't get all mad at me. I think the map looks cool but I just dropped in randomly & watched the video & said that to be...
Look! Shot & killed directly off spawn, this plays just like matchmaking. You win.
You should have done a tail whip on some of those transfers with the ghost, lol.
Dude, lights really was a cool guy. He didn't treat me like a noob when I first joined & started talking with him. He's still on my friends list...
Well I started a map for mym but I just can't stay motivated enough which sucks but then again it doesn't. Just looking at the pics above is...
Sweet, been out of the loop a minute. Are you saying we can search players in game now?... This is going to be tough but me thinks I'll giver ago.
Thrrrrrg lrrrrrrrrg breeeeee srrrrrrrg! (This looks pretty sick)
Probably going to steal the circular ramp doorway thingy from you. Just sayin...
I cant tell if he was saying tooth on purpose or if he was on an iPhone & it spell corrected him, lol. I hate that. I am assuming that the game...
So now I don't need 4 timers just to get a 3 min. static Rocket launcher?
LOL, Hunting the tooth!...
If only halo had an editor like that and then you could just go in and add texture and color wherever. That would be amazing. BTW, does it ever...
Get out of my head brah, how did you know that was my fantasy?
:schnitzel: Just checking. Good to see an old schooler back. (somewhat old school)
Your waterfall is a lie.