Well now I want to change it. Looks like everyone & their mom is going to go forerunner.
Looks like you're adding the old dishes they had up behind the bases in the original?
RK! Tell me you have returned!?
Here's what I have started for the 2v2. [IMG] [IMG] I suppose I should state the theme lol. Ancient alter of the forerunners.
To think someone would disregard a map because it has no theme seems so douchey to me. Maybe in a contest I can get that but damn man. We've had...
That was sarcasm Ace, you've already showed me up bro.
Pffft, is that all you got Ace?
I'm not sure if its the map or the game DVR but I noticed some frame drops in there. If its the map then this map is great as far as the...
plotting on you O_o
I get a warm feeling in my tummy when I see this thread. Then it churns & I become enraged with jealousy & hatred. Anywho, I haven't seen RPAL in...
No, people like me have jobs & a family so we can't sit on the couch forging all day (like I used to). So the later deadline is much appreciated.
I just thought it was crazy to put camo, shotty, & a sword on a map with such tight spaces. Am I the only one? Lol
I feel your pain on that waiho
Haha, that's pretty sweet.
Cry me a river, I don't even have my first map blocked out yet. You kids need to get a life so you can be slow like me. Here is what I do have...
One thing though, My map has outdoor & indoor parts. I'm willing to bet its not smart enough to recognize indoor areas to keep the snow from...
That's pretty cool. I bet it's too much strain for my 1st map (called Strain haha) with all the stuff I will put in.
Not to rub it in, but my first game post update was on the Battle of Noctus.
Holy crap! I just watched that & it's the most hilarious thing I've ever seen, lol!
I wonder if frame rate will still be an issue? Im assuming so like its the game not the console.