all is well, thunks how yoo?
A litle anecdote about child gamers... I have a seven year old brother who is addicted to the ps3. The prick chucks a spaz every time he dies and...
ohai der gud sir
Hypocritical statement is hypocritical.
Those two examples were the exact same thing. They adapted into what we are now.
Exaggeration is exaggerated.
Sorry, that's not how it was supposed to come out. I meant that, for me, it's a very difficult religion to follow, and not because of the...
More like Big Bang as NOT THE ONLY THEORY OUT THERE! Jeez, a large portion Atheists know more about the bible and related Christian objects than...
2. So what? If you get married are you just gonna crack out the whip and say "That's it, we've tied the knot. On your knees, woman!"? 3. And your...
You have no evidence for your statement, you posted that in format like its a fact and it really isn't.
Thank you for expanding on my point azrius. (I liked your "Therefore, god is not ____" post, too)
No, for although there is no god to punish us, most of us still care what other people think of us, and also do not want to spend life in...
Diz, I have to admit those are pretty flipping good. (Ugh, can't swear or no more thready accessy) But please, upload your suithorse. Now.
Told a girl I loved her in front of her myriad of friends. I'm a total *****, so this felt like an achievement.
[IMG] Overusing gradients and overlay effects. Not very good.
Hard to remember? Tomorrow I'll wake up and remember nothing about you. He's right, guys.
I'm using the Braid theme at the moment. it's damn awesome.
Yeah, yet I'm talking to you now, *****. It only happens to certain websites.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- How do I fix this? Trying to access windows live. [IMG]
[IMG] Upside down parrot with purple + yellow gradient on overlay. Yeah, I'm that awesome.