Wow... I have to hi-five you now... You took that very gracefully. Good job!
My god, man! HOW OLD ARE YOU?
UGH, it's on all maps, not just sandbox! See below the first two screenshots? You obviously didn't read it, but it applies to sandbox too!!!
The second one does nothing for me. At all. I don't even see the effect.
In reply to your post on that guy's campaign screenshot. Wow man, effects aren't everything. If anything. effects DETRACT from a screenshot. Your...
Wow man, effects aren't everything. If anything. effects DETRACT from a screenshot. Your opinion on what makes a good screenshot is WARPED.
I'm ahn a boat muthafucka don't you eva fuhgit!
Primary: Pink Secondary: Rubine Detail: The darkest pink.
EXACTLY! I played BS for the story. I turned on the subtitles and picked up every audio diary. I loved the story. For BS2... What story?
The anti-loyal is loyal again?
Backpack, backpack! DORATHEEXPLORERFTW
Remember when we were on JTV and your dad came up behind you? OMG
Iggle piggle iggle onk, we're going to catch the ninky nonk!
Wow, that's very well done. I like how it all blends in. Hai five!
Yuss!!! *Victory fist-clench-whilst-bringing-arm-downwards movement*
Does the previous conversation open a door for me to say Chipsonaboat?
I really like that glitch! Thanks for sharing it, I'll use it next time I'm on H3.
My god, of course I know that! How dare you... GTA IV has taught me well...