Who wants to go to soccer?
I blink when the lines on the road are in line with the dashboard in my car. I also try to do it to the beat of music, which results in my moving...
Us Atherists have a very plausible reason for not going on a rampage, and that's the same as yours: Consequences, which you said there would not...
hehehe... Who ever wants to go to soccer?
Jesus, you're up early! (I'm an exception, I have 3 bros)
You *****, stop being so awesome!
Yeah, I know. I just felt that what I said had to be said.
And who is Terran?
I love how he's all like where the **** did that joke go?
My pleasure.
Believe it or not, the first sentence was serious.
I agree. I hesitated before saying it. Go ahead and watch it affect my mood and/or state of mind.
Go ahead and watch me give a ****.
The subject of the image is bland. The placement is boring and the background offers nothing. The effect used is terrible and it's just a...
Because what I said needed to be said.
I have a real problem with your belief that effects improve the quality of a screenshot and therefore I do not believe that the word...
The B&W really helps it
I hate you all. Effects DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, make good screenshots. I can not make that any clearer.
Despite your expert knowledge of what makes a good screenshot, I don't think these are very good examples.
The angle is crap, the picture is uninteresting and the effect is terrible.