This is Fox. This is not new. This is not news. This is a fail-filled attempt to get views with shock value and big names. They blow things out of...
Well, actually, with all the price cuts, a PS3 can go for about as much as an Xbox 360. However, I cannot vouch for their "free" online being free...
You hear about that Micro$oft Wiimote rip-off? The one that's supposedly got a lot to do with BK3? Yeah.
It's a Half-Life 2 mod.
Aww, you didn't need to ceonsor it for our sake! We're all big boys and girls here! Not everyone's an adult, but we're all pretty big...
Wow, really? Not only do I find it odd that there are still people that can't read l33t, but I also find it pathetic that people have nothing...
I would consider myself a "both", but then again, the survey is skewed, since most people aren't totally honest with themselves about these...
It's one hell of a stretch, alright. It seems like it'd be way too complicated for them to try. I wouldn't be surprised to see DLC for their...
I'm going to go with Blakem0n on this: PC editors are infinitely superior to any console editor. Sure, most console editors are easy and...
The second was a little less fun than the first, but it was still good fun. This one looks awful. The art style is way too chunky lookin', and the...
Actually, there's talk of a new JSR game coming to the Wii. I hope there's more than just talk, though.
Yikes. At least we know that they had a lot of the "new" weapons in mind since way back when, right?
Wow, it seems so much more complicated when you wrote it. Well, good for people who don't know what the Print Screen key does.
Right on, old bat! Teach that punk a lesson!
Hmm... Toughie. Uh... In no particular order, I suppose: 1. Metalocalypse 2. Drawn Together 3. Batman The Animated Series That's the Batman...
I almost did, but then I almost caught my PC on fire. So I left it alone. As for my Xfire, that's not too important, is it? Not trying to be rude,...
It's like a streamlined and expanded version of the FarCry Instincts map maker! That's a very, very good thing.
My point still stands. You'll have to try harder if you want to knock it down.
No, this is why people are ridiculous. Your statement adds to the idea that humans are ridiculous, since you make a final judgment for all...