Got two accounts on my computer (mine and my brother's). I love my Steam this much. Lots of things say (pre-loaded) because my brother's signed...
Valve = WIN Don't need to add anything.
Well, I had a feeling it wasn't real just from the thread title, but that's still a horrifying thought.
This is way better than sending feeble amounts of energy over radio waves! The only problem is that my wireless iPod and cell phone charger scam...
Good God! That sniper rifle looks absolutely brutal! Way better than the first trailer with a sniper!
No, trust me, it's worth the cash. It's different (mostly levels, but there's somewhat different gameplay, too), and it has features that aren't...
I have a feeling you'll be buying it. Every hands-on review I've read about it has been ultra-positive, and everything I've seen looks promising.
Whoa, hey. What happened here? I'm not certain, but I think you're trolling a bit. Can we not do that?
I think it's because Forge Hubbers are spoiled by the great maps that mappers make here.
I might disagree with it starting any genres. History might agree with me. Anyways, my favorite is either Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, or...
I'm so glad that they have a forestation tool now. I used to set all my trees and vegetation by hand (I usually used single trees and plants...
Owning it up on PC is now my official duty.
Yeah, me and all my friends have been pretty much psyched about this since it was announced. We've gone through all the past games (even the PS...
Saw this before. He should totally change his name to Treant. That would rule.
Well why didn't you ask for something that doesn't have a time restriction? That would have made things easier, don't you think?
Congrats, fella.
Wait, why can't you fit a +2 hour video of a low quality onto a ~4.7 GB disk?
Yeah. Just figured out how to run games with older shaders, and although the game won't look as shiny and new, it will run a hell of a lot better...
Wait, that's still active? Ok. By the way, I'm surprised nobody mentioned the obvious: [img]
Yeah, I remember a lot of floating maps from back in the day. They were awesome. Have you watched any gameplay trailers? They show off the health...