I don't think it's spam. Then again, what do I know? I'm the biggest spammer there is on most of the other forums I visit.
Not true. Very not true.
That video made me cry. Manly tears. It made me cry manly tears. The best thing I heard was the anti-map theft feature, where if someone edits...
They're too pricey? They're between $5 and $15 dollars! Halo 3, Bioshock, etc. are all at least $60! What kind of funky budget and math skills do...
Guess what? PC version gets the maps for free. Not like I play the game anymore.
Yes, that Flash "demo" was awesome. Played it for hours when it came out.
I'm quite the metal head. I mean, it's not my only love (in the music world), but it's prob'ly my biggest love. Never liked Slipknot, though. When...
Only two? I've beaten it at least a dozen times, and my friends and I have spent countless hours playing the four player PDA missions (wait, do...
Yes, this will be Jesus Sauce. I'm guaranteed to play co-op with a friend of mine.
Well, I've already seen a handful of trailers and read a few articles about people taking the voice-control out for a test drive. It seems to be...
Almost... Almost... I can almost see a nipple...
Goodness, I remember hearing about this. I don't remember what it was about, but I remember that it sounded awesome. I'm waiting for it, whatever...
Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on this for a while. I'm not a big fan of RTSes, but this looks interesting enough for me to give it a try.
OMG joined.
Banned on B.net? No. Banned elsewhere? Perhaps...
Yeah, it's like that at a lot of forums. What of it?
Well, it's run by Valve, so it's pretty damn trustworthy. Steam and Steam membership is free, but you need to buy the games, or register them via...
Yeah, I want it. Alien Hominid was amazing, and I have no reason to believe that this won't be even more amazing.
I'm sure the big battery businesses will use the tech to make their own electricity feeds. It's only natural for them to stay competitive.
Dallas? That's an awfully long walk from Houston... I don't think I can make it, guys.