Good news is good! Glad to hear that you'll be fine!
Ok? How is that relevant?
Got bored, made a new wallpaper, kept the Pyro. [IMG]
I hope this rumor stays a rumor; I hate seeing good dev studios close down. I'm still in shock over the loss of Clover.
I'm in love with all of them except for Valhalla. It's too similar. The rest, however, I would easily replace the originals with. Any day. Forever.
Actually, I've seen some video demonstrations of this type of technology. It was still quite primitive in what it could do, and it took about an...
Man, you actually have it? Sucks. At least they said it's treatable. Here's hoping that you stay around for a long time.
Oh, don't worry about it. It's light-hearted humor. If you don't see that, then that's too bad.
They're not flames, they're jokes that are in poor taste given the thread's subject. Good luck with the results. I hope the best for you.
Somebody agrees with me on this? I knew I couldn't be the only one!
Unreal Tournament 3 and Team Fortress 2. They're so popular, abbreviating their names is fair game. No, they're both very similar. The key...
Well excuse me for being retarded. Jesus.
It's nearly impossible that such events would occur, but I sure hope that they do. I could really do with some of that "end of the world sex".
Fixed it for you.
Neither. I'm sure that it will live up to the hype (it's still just "shoot things", right?), but it won't be the best game ever. Hell, it won't...
I'm not offended.
Did they withdraw the monitoring part? Doesn't matter, I'm happy with Firefox.
The EULA killed it for me. Did you know that you agree to letting Google look at all your web browsing information? I go to some rather...
Very sweet. That death-and-revival thing looks pretty cool, but I hope it isn't always available. It'd get mighty boring and easy if you can just...
Well, alright then.