Or that the person hasn't realised how stupid the comeback actually is.
Hahahaha it's funny because that comeback is so overused. xDDD
Alright thanks bro, in the morning I'll get onto it. (11pm here, I'm in Linuland.)
I got your Profile message and I'll give this a go, but I'm not entirely sure what you want. Is this a banner for whatever but what was the 'Agent...
You're too cool cause you're always talking about getting laid and having been laid.
Abstract. :P Thanks and yeah basically, your great work made me want to make an abstract piece.
Inspired by Whisper's latest work. [IMG]
The popout completely wrecked what was kinda there - the gunshot is majorly cut off. Not feeling this, too dark and depressing, no relation to...
you have a very bright profile.
Put the band members on as if they're walking down the clock. Nice work anyhow.
I'm not going to be here, 70% sure. My friend doesn't want to and I will still get back to you. What is the deadline? (If you don't hear from me,...
ofuckusrs? DAMMIT.
I'm sorry i didn't join your part-ay. Was it a chrissy one?
With elastic band: Strap up the green, play the guitar like a piano. Sit it on your lap and the fingers next to your pinky do RYB conescutively...
I just noticed that you said you can't tap the intro to TTFATF, or am I reading wrong... I've got a funny technique but it's friggen beast. :P
It'd have something to do with your HD, methinks. Check the storage and go to your memory > Games and check RB2. If you don't have anything done,...
The 70 degree wall is insane, honestly. Did you do anything to it to make it drive-able or did you just test the different angles because the...
Sonic Tag Tut by ~truestoj on deviantART It's also on LD.
I'm a Cs2'er so I wanna know how this goes. Whisper. REVIEW IT. xD (After you get it.)