I think you did great. This is much better than a lot that I've seen come from you, however the border must go. 1px is good enough and black is...
Looks nothing like stained glass. Change the colours on each piece and don't make the shapes so..absurd. I've never seen stained glass in that matter.
He just said it did not make him laugh, and that was obviously the whole point of your interesting 'creation.'
[IMG] First one since a long time. I've been on a break? I expected CnC over at VGFX but I didn't get any. =/
The last one for me. I was going to say the 2nd last, but it's too monotonous for me and lacks what its companions have (2, 5) It has great depth...
What can he add if you don't tell him. I'm loving it Diz, though I don't like the fact his whole body is near in the whole tag, maybe if it were...
I'm not liking the colours - the greys with the blues. However, the other marks of the sig are great. ;) Border would have ruined it, it's good...
[IMG] Bumblebee.com is the template name, you thilleh gooth. I don't even know if it's an actual website. Thoughts? In case you missed the...
Thanks for that, comments already. ;) I can count on that - having replies fairly quicksticks. Any ideas on a better header?
'myonlyportfolio.com' is the NAME of this template, not the website I made it for. It, obviously, is a template for a folio. Thoughts? (This is...
This is great Diz, flow is great however there isn't much depth but I don't think it's possible with this. :P I'll tell you what sucks though; my...
I'll make you a signature/tag for free, no line for thanks needed. I find it silly that shops ask for a must 'thanks'. It's shameful advertising. :P
Thanks for that, I really appreciate it coming from you. =D I more-so worked on depth in this one than anything. Nah after each and every tag I...
I tried. I failed. I tried. I failed. I like your drawings.
I hate how it's all B&W. I only like B&W sigs if there's a more majority of black and there is a large amount of effects. LARGE.
[IMG] eyeyey. I understand the cutoff lolol but if I had saved the .psd I would have fixed it by now.
[IMG] =/
I'm so god damn sorry man, my connection has been bombing out MAJORLY so I couldn't get anything done, I haven't yet looked at the thread but I...
xD is a face. Have you seen Southpark? The X is the eye(s).
Why did you just ask that after you already said something about a previous comment. Methinks you're desperate for answers and comebacks. HAHAHA.