Could you add me to the whitelist? thanks ; Ragsy
I'm keen to join, but i cant connect either.
o nice work, i bet thats going good
hahaha heeey dude, i won't be back for long, i just lurked for a second and found that controller comp? that's cool. hows it going?
wow [IMG]
I lol'd. haha. Superb? No, I do believe you're cocky. The brushing over his eyes makes it look strange, you should have left the original...
Well, telling Kitsune to sell his computer was not the best idea, because his response was obviously triggered by your thread title, suggesting...
A C4D. Not just the one though, multiple. With added filters and such.
[IMG] First LA in a while, I don't think it's too special I was just trying some new things. :D
Heh thanks for the votes. :D It's 4-4 at the moment. In mine I used one c4d, and that's on the left.
God damn my canvas is small. Just thought I'd say it for the 40th time. :D
Welcome to the competition. This morning we have a great match. We've got WHALESxTHExSAVE in one roof. And the Stooooooj in the floor. Who will...
Do you want the whole thing changing or just the BG?
There are rippers everywhere. :P Should I take off the .psd?
Stock is located on ViralGFX, a pack buy MasterWorks Kiddie. (All found by him/her, which are all mostly UNWHORED.) Send me a PM and I'll link...
Thanks for the comments guys, really puts me in a good mood, hahaha. I'll try this style again sometime.
[IMG] I think my second time through from a break hasn't been a fail, but a good take at a new style. Whatdya think?
The Dishwasher? WHAT IS THIIISSSS?
I blame taking a break for that. Thanks though. ;) I honestly, didn't know what to do. I didn't have anything in mind so I resorted to c4ds....